Deal Police station that was built in 1898 now stands empty and is due to be sold off. This has now been confirmed by the Kent Police and the Office of the Police Crime Commissioner
What does this mean for Deal? Officers will work out of Dover Police Station in Ladywell but will still keep a smaller physical presence in Deal with a public enquires desk at the town council’s High Street office,
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Head of Divisional Operations for East Kent, Superintendent Simon Thompson said: “The public enquiries desk combined with our online reporting facility on our website, has been providing residents with greater accessibility to our services than they had previously.
PCSOs and officers are understood to have moved out of the 570 sqm town centre base on Friday.
It’s been confirmed that there are no active custody cells at Deal Police station.
They have been closed for many years and anyone detained are taken to Custody Suites on Canterbury, Margate or Folkestone. In the past Deal had four cells.
What do you think about this news?
Currently KFC are on the look out for a Drive-Thru site in Deal Town and from a Facebook post on Deal Watch some local residents have already heard a rumour. How true this is we don’t know as of yet and we have searched all local planning and thankfully nothing has been raised.
One thing is for sure, is that the residents of Deal Town will have plenty to say on the subject.
Do we need to start something soon?
As a member of the deal town community I believe this is a fatal mistake the numbers are rising in deal in terms of you know the families and the people that live here I believe we need a police force to be able to operate out of a police station as I do believe that the NHS should use deal ambulance station more that’s like saying okay we can use the Fire Brigade but deal doesn’t have one you’ve got a wait for somewhere else that’s got one Waiting times are long enough with the services as I know first hand as I work in one of them please reconsider this it’s really not a sensible idea